For this assignment I wanted to target the younger generation, about ages 19-25. Doing so I went with Masked brewing co. After choosing the name I wanted to use masked characters for each of the different Kinds. Starting with 'Blood' this would be your strongest hop beer, following would be 'Crip Walk' this would be your smoother lighter hop beer, finally you have 'Barbie' this would be your fruity hop flavoured beer. Illustrating all 3 characters on Adobe Illustrator I started to work on the proper size labels for each beer bottle. keeping all three very similar to one another I decided to have each character nice and big in the center of the label with the title centered giving the label visual hierarchy. I used darker toned colors to give that firm bold look as it went well with the different illustrations. I then added the 'M' on each of the bottle caps to represent each of the different beers. After completing the labels and caps, I mocked it all up onto beer bottles. After seeing the final product this would be a drink you would see in colleges and festivals. It works great for the targeted age group.