For this assignment we were to showcase our photoshop skills by creating a product advertisement for a company of our choice. After choosing Prime I decided to do something that involved athletes as this energy drink is meant for athletes worldwide. Going with the orange flavored drink I decided I was going to merge both sports and oranges together. After working on different compositions I felt the basketball cut open with the orange inside would be the perfect idea. I then cut the ball out of its original image and put it into my composition. I also cut the ball in half and added two flat slices of oranges to work inside of the ball. I had to puppet wrap the oranges into the ball to really make it look like it was supposed to be their. I then added the prime with the juice splash in the back, giving the overall image visual hierarchy and allowing the eye to go to the prime bottle when looking at this piece. Finalizing the poster I wanted to make it look like the juice was stretching making it look like the ball/orange was ripped apart.