To create a professional post of a prospect player with a motivational quote. The main goal was to really get the message across while still making the player a big part of the piece.

I met with the head of the design team who briefed me on this project. I worked on gathering images and making cutouts to the player within photoshop. I then started to build my design in illustrator where I brought in the player images, and vector logos into my ai file. I then started playing with different shapes with in my composition until i seen what fit best. I then started to apply the text to the image. the challenge for me was trying to come up with the quote and how i was going to integrate it with my piece. Using the font I was provided for this quote I wanted to really make the viewer read this piece visually left to right. As the company I worked with had a strict colour code I was limited to what colours I could used which made it difficult for me to pick the right composition. After finishing my piece both the client and I were very pleased with the outcome.